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Welcome to the GWIEA Enneagram community!

​This group is open to and made up of experienced and novice. Enneagram students from all over the world.

Journey to
Self -


What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a complex and meaningful symbol that relates to many systems of knowledge, including psychology, cosmology, and mathematics.


It forms the basis of a highly accurate typology that describes nine distinct personality types and serves as a sense-making framework for understanding the human ego and mapping out a process of growth.


As a psychological and spiritual model that lays out specific paths of self-development, it helps us “wake up” to ourselves by revealing the habitual patterns and blind spots that limit our growth and transformation.


The Enneagram is based on nine personality types grounded in three “centers of intelligence” that determine how we take in and process information from the outside world.

Navigating in Woods
All Hands In

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